End Times… the Apocalypse occurring now?
Have the first 5 scrolls been opened already?
Is the Apocalypse playing out before our very eyes…..and is it possible that we are deeper into the endtime than we think?
In this book, we will take the unique approach and read the Book of Revelation as it was meant to be read. That is we will read Revelation exactly as Apostle John wrote it, with his Hebraisms and his Jewish writing style. Taking into account John’s Jewish mindset we will embark on a very different approach to interpreting his Divinely given visions – the visions which later came to be compiled into what is now known as the Book of Revelation.
First, we must look at the Book of Revelation in context and realize that it is a letter written in the first century by a Jewish Christ-follower who lived in a Roman dominated society where Roman/Greek gods were idolized and worshiped. With this in mind, we need to understand John’s mindset – being that he thought in Hebrew but wrote in the language of the land, which was Greek.
We also must realize that John’s letter was meant for a predominately Jewish audience, who may or may not have believed that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, who lived under Roman rule, and therefore, dominated spiritual and cultural values…. values that went against those of the Jewish people who worshipped the God of Israel. Therefore, John’s letter to the people of the churches in Asia Minor was very anti-Roman.
The characteristic of ancient Jewish literature was a very unique writing style.
Thoroughly Jewish, John wrote with this characteristic style and the Jewish people were accustomed to reading it. What are the implications of interpreting John’s letter exactly as he wrote it, with its characteristic Jewish style? Actually, several very different ideas emerge as to both the structure and the timeline of the Book of Revelation, creating interpretations that are quite unlike interpretations we may have been exposed to when studying the Bible through traditional methods.
For instance, we will see that the timeline of the Book of Revelation is multidimensional and reiterative, which is very different than the typical linear and sequential interpretation we are accustomed to reading, and as modern theologians teach. We also see that using John’s style that the Book of Revelation has a very different structure than is presented in the New Testament as contained in the Bibles of today.
What if the timeline of the Book of Revelation is not linear and sequential, as it has traditionally been read from beginning to end? What if the structural divisions of Revelation we are so accustomed to are artificial, and not as John originally intended them to be?
These ideas will be explored and will lead to new ways to interpret the Book of Revelation. Putting John’s letter in the light of its Jewish writing style leads to even further implications that have an impact on its interpretation. For example, another idea emerges and raises the question of what if the only true eschatological End-time scroll opened by Jesus Christ was the Sixth Scroll?
Have the previous first five scrolls already been fulfilled, being repeated, and reiterated throughout the history of time since Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Other Books by Dr. Jana Jones McDowell
Cultivating the Christ
Mysteries of the Apocalypse…through the eyes of a Jewish John
Rahab, the Amorite Prostitute
Ruth and Boaz, the Moabite and the Redeemer
Behind the Scenes with David and Bathsheba
“The Promise”..Behind the Scenes with Abraham and Sarah
“David”, In the Midst of a Plague” Biblical Perspectives of COVID-19
Noah and the Ark….Behind the Scenes
Isaac and Rebekah…..Cultivating Israel
About the Author
Jana Jones McDowell DVM, DAVCA, DAVECC, has spent a lifetime practicing Veterinary Medicine and former Professor at a College of Veterinary Medicine.
A Christian, Dr. Jones began her research into Biblical studies a number of years ago, focusing on “context.”
Her research revolves around the “context,” with the study and application of the Judaica Books of the Prophets and the Hagiographa (A new English translation of the Hebrew Masoretic text and commentaries by Rashi and other Rabbinical scholars), and the books of the Midrash Rabbah. The basis of this was the exegesis of the Hebrew Bible with application to the origins of Christianity.
Dr. Jones-McDowell continues her research on the Jewish roots of Christianity as a student of the Israel Bible Center.
Dr. Jones-McDowell and her husband, reside in the southwest with their horses, a Bengal cat named Ravi and their border collie, Sarah.